We're hitting the ground running with Winter courses starting next week, and Pub/Grad Night (w/ guest speaker) on the 16th. Check homepage for details!
![]() Thanks to all that came out to the Land Cruise; we had 25 members there to share stories of all sorts; varying from the previous days trip to the Mosquito Creek Boatshow, to discussions about finer-carbon sailboat masts. The next social event will be the Joint Squadron Xmas Dinner @ Sunrise Banquet Center, on Sat., Nov. 24. Come join members from Langley, SurDel, and White Rock Squadrons, to help kick off the Xmas season. Contact Bob & Candace Stone for tickets and more information. ![]() Langley represented itself well, with 10 of our boats attending. Why not mark your now for next years event. White Rock is planning on changing location, so stay tuned for those details. ![]() Preparations begin -while there's still 2 weeks until we depart, planning has begun, next weekend we'll supply the boat so we can make a quick get-away from PRM on the Friday night; Dodd's Narrows slack on Sat. a.m. is 0745, so plans are to make Nanaimo early on Saturday. If you haven't already programmed it into your (DSC) radio -especially if you're continuing on to Desolation Sound, please do so prior to departure: 031500044 ![]() Many have expressed concern on this subject, but regardless of outcome, the message reinforces the need for boaters to be safe, educated, and prudent; and adds reason to taking the full CPS Boating Course. New courses begin in Sept. If the Kits Station closure is of concern to you, please contact your local MP:Mark Warawa#104-4769 222nd Street Langley, BC V2Z 3C1 tel: 604-534-5955 fax: 604-534-5970 [email protected] Members, we received this from the BYC the other day...
The not-for-profit, Burrard Yacht Club, wishes to invite you, your family and all members of the Langley Power & Sail Squadron and their families to our fundraiser for the Disabled Sailing Association of BC on Saturday June 9th 2012 between 10:00 am - 4:00 pm at our Club, 10 Gostick Place N. Vancouver B.C. Entrance is by donation to the Disabled Sailing Association, the 1st of its kind in BC. This fundraiser is one of the most important fundraisers for this Association. And we are hoping that many of our fellow mariners will come out to support them. We are expecting a host of Classic wooden boats and will be featuring Grenfell built or designed wooden boats from a number of areas, some from as far away as Seattle. And there will be 80-100 Classic cars, FREE sailing lessons to kids 8-15 years old, weather permitting and a number of other FUN things. Lunch of burgers, hot dogs + drinks will be available for a nominal cost [to cover our costs]. We hope to see many members of the Langley Squadron there! It is a family friendly event! Please pass this invitation along to your members. Looking forward to tonights events; recognizing our recent grads, welcoming or incoming Cmdr. Jay, and an interesting presentation from the Artificial reef society! It all begins at 1800hrs
October 2022
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