LPSS Christmas Potluck (Sunday, Dec. 3, 2023 18:00hrs)
(Sept. 4-6)
This year we’re having our CPS Christmas party in Ladner. Pls RRSP me at [email protected], or via our facebook group
CDR Terry Watling
[email protected]
(Sept. 4-6)
This year we’re having our CPS Christmas party in Ladner. Pls RRSP me at [email protected], or via our facebook group
CDR Terry Watling
[email protected]
After a painfully long stretch, it's great to be moving forward again. Please check back regularly as we get things updated with resumed activities.
Looking ahead to April AGM
I am looking at April 22 for our in person potluck AGM COW. This date will be confirmed soon and a notice sent out. I'm also looking for new blood. We need a cruise master, and social person, to complete the bridge for 2023-2024. Now that Covid is pretty much behind us, let's work together to bring back our Langley Power & Sail Squadron to it former glory. I'm looking forward to this upcoming year to get together and socialize, and cruise again together.
Hope to hear from you soon,
CDR Terry Watling
[email protected]
I am looking at April 22 for our in person potluck AGM COW. This date will be confirmed soon and a notice sent out. I'm also looking for new blood. We need a cruise master, and social person, to complete the bridge for 2023-2024. Now that Covid is pretty much behind us, let's work together to bring back our Langley Power & Sail Squadron to it former glory. I'm looking forward to this upcoming year to get together and socialize, and cruise again together.
Hope to hear from you soon,
CDR Terry Watling
[email protected]
In person classes are scheduled to January 3rd after a 2 year lapse, resuming at Brookswood Sec. School. Pls spread this date with family and friends. We need students for this boating 1 course. Anyone needing their boating competency license (PCOC) are welcome to attend. Pls register on line at cps-ecp if you have trouble registering you can call 1-888-cpsboat for help. Or [email protected].
Any member that can help with the class would be very appreciated. Pls email me if you can help.
FYI. Members that have let their membership lapse that want to renew their membership must join not just renew. Once your membership has lapsed your information is lost and you must put it back in the National database.
Maribel and I wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a happy New-year and look forward to seeing everyone in 2023.
CDR Terry Watling
[email protected]
Any member that can help with the class would be very appreciated. Pls email me if you can help.
FYI. Members that have let their membership lapse that want to renew their membership must join not just renew. Once your membership has lapsed your information is lost and you must put it back in the National database.
Maribel and I wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a happy New-year and look forward to seeing everyone in 2023.
CDR Terry Watling
[email protected]
Labour Day Wknd Raft-up -Montague Harbour (Sept. 4-6)
We hope you’ve been able to be out enjoying some boating this season. With the Phase 3 loosening of group activities, we’ve now able to come together. So both our first -and final- rendezvous of the season will see Montague Harbour as our destination -and we'd love to see you there, and to catch up and hear how you’ve been dealing with the boating challenges of the past year. Montague is typically busy for the Labour Day weekend, so look for 'the Raft' (along the NW side towards the park beach works well). Please contact Terry at [email protected].
We hope you’ve been able to be out enjoying some boating this season. With the Phase 3 loosening of group activities, we’ve now able to come together. So both our first -and final- rendezvous of the season will see Montague Harbour as our destination -and we'd love to see you there, and to catch up and hear how you’ve been dealing with the boating challenges of the past year. Montague is typically busy for the Labour Day weekend, so look for 'the Raft' (along the NW side towards the park beach works well). Please contact Terry at [email protected].
Notice of Squadron AGM (June 9 @ 18:30)
Although Squadron's been living the pandemic hibernation, our AGM will be happening (virtually) on June 9 @ 18:30. The Notice of AGM (please note, you must be a member in good standing to participate in the AGM) can be found in the Events section. If needing to renew, please visit the CPS renewal page.
Although Squadron's been living the pandemic hibernation, our AGM will be happening (virtually) on June 9 @ 18:30. The Notice of AGM (please note, you must be a member in good standing to participate in the AGM) can be found in the Events section. If needing to renew, please visit the CPS renewal page.
Members -please ensure your CPS contact, boat info, and membership is current. Go to www.cps-ecp.ca to confirm. This is where we gather our contact list from. If you are not receiving our sporadic Squadron email notices, this is one of the most likely issues. The next would be to check your junkmail/spam email settings. A reminder to long standing members (whose renewals will all be for April 1) that dues are quickly approaching. Newer members your membership dates align with the date you joined. We will be culling our newsletter email list the end of April to reflect current membership at that time.
Congratulations and Welcomes to the 2020/21 LPSS Bridge.
We virtually got it together on May 21st to thank the Bridge for their past years service, and to swear in the incoming Bridge.
We virtually got it together on May 21st to thank the Bridge for their past years service, and to swear in the incoming Bridge.
LPSS members are always prepared to help out wherever/whenever it's required. There's often many 'Rescue Stories' and good natured rivalry amongst the Squadron, but it's going to take a lot to top this one. Here's the print story..... globalnews.ca/news/7104289/dog-rescue-bc-coast/ and here's the video feed. https://globalnews.ca/video/7108958/b-c-dog-rescued-off-sunshine-coast-after-falling-off-boat# |
As always, but especially during this CoVid-19 time -stay safe, stay healthy, be kind, and we'll get through this together. We WILL be cruising, rafting, rendezvousing and just plain enjoying our shared passion again! As recreational boaters we walk a fine line at this time. While restrictions are easing, being mindful of others is still paramount. Ensure you are self-sufficient and sea-worthy. Putting others at risk unnecessarily for an avoidable assistance is a responsibility. Make sure your destinations are open, as well as your 'Plan B'; planning is always key. Safe boating is still the CPS priority.
Our Squadron activities & cruises remain suspended until gathering restrictions are sufficiently eased. We will update here as soon as things change.
Each year, LPSS contributes towards the SD#35 scholarship fund through the Langley Foundation. Here's a note of thanks we received from our most recent recipient.
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Upcoming Events
Activities remain on pause:
(03/25) Just to confirm, Squadron activities remain on pause, but with vaccine rollouts, the province seems to be moving forward. We're itching to reinstate activities as soon as we're able. Past Events
(04/08) Just to confirm suspension of Squadron activities. We would also advise you to check local jurisdictions for their advisories re: social distancing, and operational status of intended destination (marina, marina park, etc.), as many are now closed to transient boats/crew. (03/17) Due to recent and quickly changing C19 effects on groups/assemblies, the Mar. 28 Scavenger Hunt is cancelled. CoW/AGM is postponed until further notice. Please check back here for further info regarding it's impact on Squadron activities. Note: CPS has just recommended postponing all face to face activities until mid April. Well Seasoned Cooking Class
We channelled our inner italian w/Chef Chad, who somehow got this rag-tag crew to create their own little dishes of to die for; we prepped and plated some wonderful salads, made our own pasta & pesto from scratch, and all had a great evening while doing so! Christmas Party Casino Night
Good thing it was Monopoly money; because this ain't the way to pay for that new ride at the Boat Show! BUT... it was a great way to spend the night -cheering on the high stake winners and losers each step of the way. CANADA DAY CRUISE
June 29-July 1 @ Port Browning Marina Resort, Pender Island http://www.portbrowning.ca (250) 629-3493 Pool Included! A favourite destination among boaters and island visitors exploring the Southern Gulf Islands. During a visit to Port Browning you’ll find overnight moorage, a convenience store, laundry and shower facilities, tent and RV camping, seasonal outdoor pool, ATM, WiFi, kayak rentals and convenient access to local shopping. Saturday @ 6:00 potluck dinner // Sunday @ 6:00 The Pub Shake-down Cruise: Easter in Ladysmith
All kinds of activity in Ladysmith, even some sailing! It was a great time at the first cruise of the year. Click here for more photos. AGM -April 27
Still going strong -received his 30th(!!!) merit mark- (now) P/C Terry Watling handed over the tiller to incoming SCO Rod Snazel. Congratulations to them both. Click here for more photos. ![]() EExit Room & Bread for Boating Event
A great afternoon/evening that included a little bit of everything, but the common thread throughout all of it was a lot of fun, jovial conversation. Thanks to Joan & Rowan for organizing, and Chris & Brigiette for providing the space and the sourdough readmaking session. There'll be a lot of smelly boats (in a good way) this season. Sorry if you missed it; watch for your 'Riggers Assistant' and keep checking back for other events throughout the year. The next Squadron Event will be the Easter cruise to Ladysmith. |
Burgee Refresh?![]() Is your squadron burgee showing it's age? Include a crisp, fresh new burgee as part of your spring commissioning. They look great and the quality matches the look. Contact Joe McCann for your new burgee.
![]() Did you miss the last event?
Then you missed Snoop Lucy Dogg's latest moves and who knows what else. Make a point of coming out to a Squadron event -you never know what you'll see! Past Events (cont.)Squadron Christmas Party
Well, that was a fun way to start off the Festive Season! It was a bit of a gamble, but Pit Boss kept the 3 gaming tables a humming. If it were real $$$ floating around that night, some of the stockings might be a little light this year. From the chatter around the tables (both gambling and the appies -which was more like a buffet!), it's safe to say the night was a winner for all that attended. Special thanks to our Socials Officers Joan & Rowan for a great event! ![]() Labour Day Cruise: Montague Harbour
A 10 boat raft up on the eastern shore under the power lines, and a good time had by all. Lots of laughter, catching up, and not too many shenanigans (this time!). All in all, a great wrap to the Squadrons' cruising schedule. Thanks to our Cruisemaster Steve for co-ordinating a great series this year. More photos here. Victoria Day Wknd @ Poet's Cove was a blast! Check photos here, but would be even better to see you in person at the next cruise!
LPS AGM & Change of Watch; Potluck, and an Alaska Cruise Presentation
A group of 40 were present to share boating stories, upcoming adventures, and to both thank & welcome the outgoing/incoming Bridge. After diner and the formal portion of the evening, Terry & Maribel shared photos and thoughts of their 6 week cruise to Alaska. A great evening -check out photos here. Start of the Season: Ladysmith Shakedown Cruise
It was a good time had by all who attended this gem of a spot. More photos here. Pub night: Grad Celebration with guest speaker Jeff Cote (Wed., Jan. 31)
Thanks to all that came out. This topical presentation (and ensuing discussion) was very entertaining and informative. |
Please feel free to check back here as often as you like, but you may have noticed the 'Tweets' window to the left is where short updates, reminders, and tidbits are fed to. Following us on Twitter is the best way to get instant notices.
Please help us keep you informedIf you're an LPS member and haven't been receiving the occasional email blast, please confirm what email address is included as part of your CPS membership profile. Click here to go check. Please contact Cmdr. Jay or P/C Shane if you need more assistance.
Float Plan? What Float Plan?How many people honestly file one? Why not? This free site (registration required), makes it very easy to do. Click here.
Share your shots.![]() Have a great shot of your boat, like this one of the Bossons' Emerald Sea, or one from this past boating season? Send it to the webmaster and we'll include it on our photos page!
Hit us with your best shot!![]() Have a great photo (or 2?) from this season you'd like to share with us? lf so, please email it to our webmaster (please include boat name and location photo was taken). Remember, we've also started an 'our boat' page, so please send us a photo of your boat to include (again, please include vessel name in email). Lastly, if you've got any sort of website/blog/etc. to do with your boating, please include a URL that we could also include.